I lift up my shirt and poke a round my abdomen with my finger - making sure the spot I eventually choose for my site change will be free of lumps, bumps, marks, redness and any weird tender to the touch. Real estate is slim on my belly and I must choose wisely. I find a spot that looks and feels right, grab the skin and slide the needle of the cannula in. This morning�s 11a.m. site change went in easy and as it did, I let out a sigh of relief.
Sidebar: Sometimes I don�t realize how much and or often I hold my breath when it comes to diabetes related things, until I actually stop holding my breath.
I filled filled the cannula and silently said, �fingers crossed,� - and then I tweeted that thought because I know I�m not the only one. Now all I can do was wait to see if it took. After 3 days of a damn near perfect site - this new site could work, suck at sucking up insulin, or be some strange hybrid of working and not all rolled into one. - what I like to refer to as a zombie infusion site.
I�ve been considering (and by considering I mean that I keep telling myself that I really should and then completely ignoring what I said,) attempting an infusion site in my arm - the thought of tangled tubing makes me wince at the thought - but diabetes requires us to be brave and try new things because we must - and an arm infusion site is on the docket in the next few weeks, (first week in October,) like it or not.
Current #Bgnow as of two seconds ago 180 - not terrible after a breakfast of lots of fresh pineapple,(pineapple tends to make me go higher in the mornings but I couldn�t resist,) eggs and 2 cups of coffee, and a site change mid morning. And so far so good, for now.~