Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say Obamacare should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public by 79-13 percent says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he�s suggested.
These lopsidedly pro-Obamacare views are far different from the results of an ABC/Post poll in mid-January asking if Americans supported or opposed repealing Obamacare, 46-47 percent. That question did not offer �keeping and improving� it as an alternative -- and it was asked before the contours of the first failed effort to repeal the law were known
ABC News Article
Word is that the GOP is preparing to roll out a "new" program to replace ObamaCare. Stay tuned for updates.