Healthy California Act Passes State Senate, Moves To Assembly

SB 562, the Healthy California Act for single payer healthcare passed the California State Senate by a vote of 23-14.  

Next stop for the bill is the California State Assembly where it is expected to meet a more difficult path.  If the Assembly ammends the bill, it would have to go back to the Senate for approval before being sent to the Governor for signature or veto.

Voting for this bill was as follows...

Ayes: Allen, Atkins, Beall, Bradford, De Le�n, Dodd, Galgiani, Hernandez, Hertzberg, Hill, Jackson, Lara, Leyva, McGuire, Mendoza, Mitchell, Monning, Newman, Portantino, Skinner, Stern, Wieckowski, Wiener

Noes: Anderson, Bates, Berryhill, Cannella, Fuller, Gaines, Glazer, Moorlach, Morrell, Nguyen, Nielsen, Stone, Vidak, Wilk

No Votes Recorded: Hueso, Pan, Roth


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