Burnout - It�s a very real thing - in life and life with diabetes - Burnout is also real when it comes to Social Media and the Diabetes Online Community.
We live the diabetes life 24X7, with no time off for vacations or good behavior, and we spend an incredible amount of time online in a community that has literally reinforced that: 1. We are not alone
2. Our voices (diabetes and otherwise,) matter
3. Connecting with others who "get it," saves our sanity 93% of the time but has the ability to makes us bonkers at least 7% of the time.
Sidebar: My math skills aren't the greatest and I've pulled those numbers out of my head and FTR, they have no scientific value.
As always, YDOBMV (your degree of bonkers may vary,) online and off, d related bonkers and otherwise. ;)
As always, YDOBMV (your degree of bonkers may vary,) online and off, d related bonkers and otherwise. ;)
Diabetes Social Media Burnout has been the reason my blog has been quiet the past couple of weeks - Things were getting crazy with life, but more than that, I needed a diabetes Social Media timeout - both mentally and physically.
I needed to take a beat and regroup - more on that tomorrow.
I needed to take a beat and regroup - more on that tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, Tuesday September 1 is the designated day that the Diabetes On-line Community will officially celebrate Diabetes Social Media Burnout Blog Day, a.k.a., #DOCburnout2015 on the twitter.
A day where we can talk about and tackle our diabetes Social Media burnout, discuss ways we can regroup, re-fuel, and refocus our energies.
A day where those of us who blog; facebook, tweet, periscope, vine, instagram, etc, can share examples and tips on how we handle D Social Media burnout and discuss things that spark the diabetes social media burnout. Included, but not limited to: online disagreements/ bullying from having a different DOC, POV, diabetes information overload,
Diabetes burnout combined with Diabetes Social Media burnout and general feelings of malaise.
To learn learn more about tomorrow, visit: http://www.diabetesdaily.com/blog/2015/08/inviting-you-to-blog-about-diabetes-social-media-burnout/
Also, the very act of writing this blog post is making me feel a bit sparkly, already!