Go With Your Gut - And Use A Damn Step Stand.

Today's (OK, tonight's post,) post isn't necessarily diabetes related, but it is health related. Also: Go with your gut - even if you think you're overreacting and it's probably nothing.  
Last Thursday night I was in my kitchen, getting the ingredients together to make blackbean and sweat-potato soup. 
It was the first N�orester of the season, the wind was howling and the rain was falling - it was definitely the night to make fresh soup and and stay in. 
The black beans were rinsed, the sweet potatoes were cubed, the veggies were cut and all I needed was my favorite soup pot - which was perched on the top shelf.

It was my own damn fault. I should have reached for the step stand to reach my favorite soup pot on the tippy-top of the shelf. 
Sidebar & Visual Aide: I have a four tiered shelving unit that is home to all my cooking supplies. 
In the summer I put the big old pots, the ones that are used for making soups, stews, and sauces on the very top shelf because during the summer I�m all about summer salads.   
Anyway, I was feeling groovy and felt the need to stretch out my limbs.
And as I mentioned, fav soup pot was nestled inside an even bigger pot on the tip-top shelf. 
And while I managed to grab onto the innards of the first pot with both hands, favorite soup pot started to wobble and as I moved away from the shelf, said fav soup pot came careening down down and landed squarely on the top of my foot.
It hurt like a motherf*cker and I swear to God I saw stars, felt nauseous, and screamed bloody murder all at the same time. I could feel the color drain from my face and I stood there crying like a baby. 
Then, I got it together and checked for any damage. I took of my sock off and examined/ wiggled my aching foot. It moved in all directions - it ached on one part, where a very faint and not so big bruise was taking shape. 
Since I bruise if you look at me wrong, I wasn�t overly concerned and fully expected it.
And like the trooper I am, I took my second favorite soup pot ( because I was no longer on speaking terms with the offending favorite soup pot,) wiped the inside out with a clean dishtowel, threw some EVOO into the pot and started saut�ing onions, veggies, garlic and spices. 
15 minutes later my soup was simmering and I was icing my foot - which I continued to do for 24 hours. 
Cut to the weekend: My foot didn�t feel any worse nor was there copious amounts of bruising .... but it didn�t feel any better, either. And that itself was really weird - that didn't feel right.
Also weird, my foot felt better when I was wearing shoes than when I wasn�t. 
Yesterday morning my foot still hurt and even though it was probably nothing and I was most likely over reacting, I called my Ortho...just in case. 
I kept telling myself that it was better to spend $50 on a specialist co-pay and have it be nothing then to not go and have it end up being something. 

Here's the thing: IT wasn�t nothing. IT was most definitely something - something that's normally very hard to see on an X-ray and involves my navicular bone, and which according to my Dr., is an incredibly tough bone to crack - unless of course, you happen to be me.
Turns out I either have a stress fraction or a bone contusion of said navicular bone and I need to go back on Tuesday for another X-ray and to find out if it�s 2 weeks in a brace or 5 weeks. 
The brace itself looks nothing like a brace. It�s a malleotrain mesh flexible support brace. It's gray and purple and looks like a compression sock sans the toe part and with silicone banding in it - I can  wear it under normal socks and with my asics gels or my dressy flat leather boots. 
I can get from here to there, I can drive ( yep, it�s my gas peddle foot,) and I can go out to dinner with friends. 
But I need to rest said foot. No exercise - lots of sitting and no standing when I can sit, and no high heels. 
I�m not thrilled and I will admit to being upset to the point of tears yesterday.  
But a day makes all the difference and I know it could be worse. 
I have 2 friends battling cancer right now and another friend with a badly broken foot - I am counting my blessings, keeping my fingers crossed and doing exactly what the Dr. tells me.
I have no choice but to make the best of it - I have to make it work. 
I have a lot to do and travel plans in November, so the fact that it happened now is better than if it happened then.

So why am I sharing? 

Because this injury didn�t come with a lot of bruising, I could bear weight on my foot, walked around and had great bloodsugars all weekend, but my bone was still injured.
And if I hadn't gone to the Dr., I would have found out later, when the bone actually broke. 

So if something doesn�t feel right, go with your gut and get it checked out.

And for God sakes, use a step stand!

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