I was excited and proud that they asked, I�ve lived with diabetes for almost 4 decades (gulp,) and the way we treat diabetes has changed tremendously -and for the better!
For instance and sidebar: Back in the day, we didn�t have a Lilly/Disney character called Coco the Monkey who lived with T1 diabetes!
Diabetes is hard work - everyone single one of us living the diabetes life knows that.
Technology is key to managing out diabetes, the D diet has become so much more user friendly over the years, and as you and I know - support makes a huge difference - THANK YOU DOC!
Here�s the direct link to my article on the T1EverydayMagic website.
Please give a read and hope you can relate, feel free to share the post with others if you're so inclined, and thank you in advance from the bottom of my busted pancreas!
Also, be sure to check the 70s kitchen pic of my sister Debbie and I, featured in the article. I love that picture of her so much.
And take note of the super deluxe ponytails yours truly is rocking!