Cigna has notified agents and subscribers of its intent to discontinue individual and family health insurance in California at the end of the year,
Citing instability in the health insurance market, Cigna will not offer health insurance coverage to individuals and families in California in 2018, Additionally, those currently covered by Cigna health plans will have their coverage discontinued on January 1st and will be unable to renew coverage in 2018.
This decision, combined with Anthem Blue Cross' decision to exit most of the California individual market (16 of 19 rating areas) may cause disruption and force members to scramble for replacement coverage that includes their medical providers.
For 2018, PPO plans will be available only from Blue Shield statewide and Health Net in selected areas.
If you are affected by the Cigna or Anthem withdrawals, please don't hesitate to contact me to help find a suitable replacement plan for next year.