ObamaCare Making Middle Class New Uninsured (NY Post)

A recent article in the New York Post by Betsy McCaughey really makes a salient point.

The ACA favors those with incomes between 0-266% of the federal poverty level.  In those cases, combinations of Medicaid, enhanced silver cost share reductions and tax credit subsidies reduce the impact of healthcare and premium costs.

Those on the high end income spectrum, while paying high premiums, can often easily afford a Bronze HDHP (HSA compatible) for themselves and their families.

Caught in the middle are those whose incomes exceed the cost sharing or tax credit subsidy levels.  With premiums going up by double digits and less choice of carriers in the marketplace, the middle and upper middle class really feel the squeeze.  

"But the law is driving premiums so high that middle-class people can no longer afford insurance.  Several million are expected to drop coverage in 2018."

Your family health insurance plan premium should not be more than your monthly mortgage or rent payment.  Especially in California.

Click here to read the full article


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