Unintended CSR Consequences? Super Cheap CA Bronze Plans for 2018?

With the removal of the cost share reduction subsidies by the federal government, and the resultant additional silver premium changes to cover the CSR in 2018, some interesting results are found on Covered CA (and likely all marketplaces).  

Quick Primer.  CSR (cost share reduction) subsidy is the subsidy used to reduce the share of cost on a silver health plan.  These are known as enhanced silver plans and the CSR helps reduce things like copays, deductible, out of pocket annual max and drug costs.  CSR is available to adults wit incomes in between 138%-250% federal poverty level.  These enhanced silver plans are expressed as Silver 73, Silver 87 and Silver 94.  Which one you qualify for depends on income level.

Note: families with children under 19 years of age can qualify for enhanced silver in California.  However, the children under 19 will not be entitled to enroll  in the enhanced silver plan with their parents  The income level for Medi-Cal (California Medicaid) is raised to 266% of the federal poverty level due to California Medicaid expansion.  

Here is a quote for a couple in their 40's living in Morgan Hill, California with an modified adjusted gross income of $39,000.

Go to shop and compare plans on Covered CA web site...

Input couple's zip code, income, number members in household...

Verify input and go to results...

First 5 Bronze plans after premium tax credit price at $2.00 per month for this couple, $1.00 for each.

Contact me to find out how much you can save in 2018!



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